By Special Request from Doctor Anonymous

Warning: some of these works of genius are not safe for work; or public squares; or bathroom reading. If you feel compelled to print out some or all of these ecards and post them on your office wall (and you will) go right ahead. Just remember to give credit where credit is due.

“Having this woman as a patient has been the most–shall we say–challenging part of my career. I keep moving my office. She keeps finding it. Anyway…” and gesture toward the cork board.

1342723852504_6141514 copy 482646_10200770411688581_1457288846_n MjAxMy02NzYxZDY0ZmYxY2YzMzIx copy MjAxMy1hMGJmZTdkZTg2ODVmZjJj copy MjAxMy03YzkwYWRlYTI4OGEzN2Qx copy 1338741349373_6429175 copy MjAxMi1hNzQwNzFmZDJiNzczN2Ez copy MjAxMy0zNjU1MzJiYzQ0YTA4OTEy copy MjAxMy05OTdmNGZkMmQzNDkyM2Y3 copy 1345154604641_5937522 copy MjAxMy1jMDgxYjY1YjczMjVkOGE5 copy MjAxMy01ODRjYWQ3MTM5NTY2NzEy copy MjAxMy1hMzdkODA3NTE2ZDZhYTEy copy Rottenecards_3865332_2bfgvfzj5b copy Rottenecards_5565646_65kcnvfq55 copy Rottenecards_16452164_rk9dk3fjfn copy Rottenecards_55329238_mxsp6d332s copy

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